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Services Sunday at 9:00am 10:15am & 11:30am
ASL Interpretation at 11:30am
Celebrate Easter at Fairdale
Services at 9am, 10:15am, and 11:30am | Livestream at 10:15am
Bienvenido | Welcome
Predicación y adoración en español. Programación infantil disponible desde el nacimiento hasta quinto grado.
Spanish preaching and worship in the Family Life Center. Children’s programming provided for Birth-5th grade.
Follow along…
…with our 6-Week study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Join a group or study on your own.
Start your journey at Fairdale Christian Church.
Come have dinner and find out more.
4/27 from 5pm-7pm
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Stream services on Sundays at 10:15am